18 décembre, 2024

1918 : Fishing Schooner Sunk By Submarine

Fishing Schooner Sunk By Submarine
Crew of J.J. Flaherty Landed at St. Pierre Miquelon
Replace Lost Trawlers
[27 / 08 / 1918 : Manitoba Free Press]

Gloucester1, Mass., Aug. 26. Sinking of the Gloucester fishing schooner, J. J. Flaherty, by a German submarine, was reported in a message received here by the owners from Capt. Chas. T. Gregory, who, with his crew of 24, have landed safely at St. Pierre, Miquelon. Capt. Gregory did not tell where or when his vessel was sent down, the message merely stating « torpedoed, all hands saved and at St. Pierre. » It was believer here, however, that the sinking took place early last week about the time the U-boat ran into a fleet of fishermen. The J. J. Flaherty, a vessel of 162 gross tons, was owned by the Gorton-Pew Fisheries company and valued at $60,000. She left this port May 22.

Subs Working Eastward. Gloucester, Mass., Aug. 26. The sinking of four fishing schooners and the steamer Erie by a German submarine oft Point Plattes, Miquelon apparently indicates that the U-boat is working east, mariners here said tonight. The point where the vessels went down is the farthest east that the submarine has yet operated in its attacks on fishing fleets. One of the schooners sunk was the American-owned vessel J. J. Flaherty. She was the largest vessel of the Gloucester fleet, and was owned by the Gorton-Pew vessels company. With her cargo of 200,000 pounds of fish, she was valued at about $50,000.

Steamer Eric Sunk. St. Pierre, Miquelon, Aug. 26. The steamer Eric, of 600 tons, has been sunk by shell fire, presumably by the same submarine which sent four fishing schooners to the bottom on Sunday of this island. Five of the crew of the Erin, which hailed from St Johns, Newfoundland, were wounded.

Grand Colombier

Le GrandColombier.com est un site recensant tout document historique ayant un lien avec les îles Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon : traités, cartographie, toponymie, archives, sources primaires, études, recherches, éphémérides. Le site est dirigé par Marc Albert Cormier. Profil Acadmedia.edu: https://independent.academia.edu/MarcAlbertCormier

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Une réflexion sur « 1918 : Fishing Schooner Sunk By Submarine »

  1. Éphémérides :

    25/08/1918 Arrivée à Saint-Pierre dans leurs doris des équipages de goélettes de pêche anglaises coulées sur le banc de Saint-Pierre par un sous-marin allemand.
    28/08/1918 Arrivée à Saint-Pierre, dans leurs doris, des hommes d’équipage d’une goélette anglaise, coulée par un sous-marin allemand à 70 milles de notre île.

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