26 mars, 2025

1822 : The American Coast Pilot

Seymour printer 1822

The island of St Peter’s lies in the latitude 46 46 north W by S near 12 leagues from Cape Chapeaurouge and W by S ½ S 5 leagues from the islands of Lamelin it is about 5 leagues in circuit and pretty high with a craggy broken uneven surface Coming from the westward as soon as you raise Gallantry Head which is the south point of the island it will make in a round hummock like a small island and appears as if separated from St Peter’s On the east side of the island a little to the NE of Gallantry Head lie three small islands the innermost of which is the largest called Dog Island within this island is the road and harbour of St Peter’s the harbour is but small and hath in it from 12 to 20 feet water but there is a bar across the entrance whereon there is but 6 feet at low water and 12 or 14 feet at high water The road which lies on the NW side of Dog Island will admit ships of any burthen but it is only fit for the summer season being open to the NE winds you may lie in 8 10 or 12 fathoms and for the most part is a hard rocky bottom there is very little clear ground ships of war commonly buoy their cables the best ground is near the north shore Going in or out you must not range too near the east side of Boar Island which is the easternmost of the three islands above mentioned for fear of some sunken rocks which lie east about 1 mile from it and which is the only danger about St Peter’s but what lies very near the shore

The island of Columbo is a small circuit but pretty high and lies very near the NE point of St Peter’s between them is a very good passage of a mile wide wherein is 12 fathoms water On the north side of the island is a rock pretty high above water called little Columbo and about a quarter of a mile NE from this rock is a sunken rock whereon is 2 fathoms water

The island of Langly which lies on the NW side of St Peter’s is about 8 leagues in circuit of a moderate and pretty equal height except the north end which is a low point with sand hills along it ; it is flat a little way off the low land on both sides of it but all the high part of the inland is very bold too and the passage between it and St Peter’s which is 1 league broad is clear of danger You may anchor on the NE side of the island a little to the southward of the Sand Hills in 5 and б fathoms a fine sandy bottom sheltered from the southerly SW and NW winds

There is no passage between the north point of Langly and the south point of the island of Miquelon which island is 4 leagues in length from north to south but of an unequal breadth the middle of the island is high land called the high land of Dunn but down by the shore it is low except Cape Miquelon which is a lofty promontory at the northern extremity of the island

On the SE side of the island to the southward of the high land is a pretty large bar harbour called Dunn Harbour which will admit fishing shallops at half flood but can never be of any utility for a fishery

Miquelon Rock stretches off from the east point of the island under the high land 1¼ mile to the eastward some are above and some under water the outermost of these rocks are above water and you have 12 fathoms close to them and 18 and 20 fathoms 1 mile off NE ¼ N 4 or 5 miles from these rocks lies Miquelon bank whereon is 6 fathoms water.

The road of Miquelon which is large and spacious lies at the north end and on the east side of the island between Cape Miquelon and a very remarkable round mountain near the shore called Chapeaux off the south point of the road are some sunken rocks about a quarter of a mile from the shore but every where else it is clear of danger The best anchorage is near the bottom of the road in 6 and 7 fathoms fine sandy bottom you lie open to the easterly winds which seldom blow in the summer

Cape Miquelon or the northern extremity of the island is high bluff land and when you are 4 or 5 leagues to the eastward or westward of it you would take it for an island by reason the land at the bottom of the road is very low

The Seal Rocks are 2 rocks above water lying one league and a half off from the middle of the west side of the island Miquelon the passage between them and the island is very safe and you have 14 or 15 fathoms within a cable’s length all round them

Green Island which is about of a mile in circuit and low lies NE 5 miles from St Peter’s and nearly in the middle of the channel between it and Point May on Newfoundland on the south side of this island are some rocks both above and under water extending themselves 1 mile and a quarter to the SW.

Grand Colombier

Le GrandColombier.com est un site recensant tout document historique ayant un lien avec les îles Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon : traités, cartographie, toponymie, archives, sources primaires, études, recherches, éphémérides. Le site est dirigé par Marc Albert Cormier. Profil Acadmedia.edu: https://independent.academia.edu/MarcAlbertCormier

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