22 décembre, 2024

1903 – Election at Saint-Pierre and Miquelon

December 29, 1903 The San Francisco call
Candidate Favoring Annexation to the United States Beaten by Only a Few Votes.

ST. JOHN’S- Newfoundland. Dec. 28. — The contest in St. Pierre and Miquelon for a Representative in the French Chamber of Deputies resulted to-day in the re-election of Legasse by small majority over Fremont (Delmont), who it is understood Is in favor of the annexation of the colony to the United States. As Legasse. represented the fishing interests, the small majority by which he has been re-elected is looked upon as evidence of the extent of the popular dissatisfaction with existing conditions.

Several riots took place last week at St. Pierre and Miquelon as a result of the destitution caused by the comparative failure of the French fisheries on the Grand Banks during the season.

Grand Colombier

Le GrandColombier.com est un site recensant tout document historique ayant un lien avec les îles Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon : traités, cartographie, toponymie, archives, sources primaires, études, recherches, éphémérides. Le site est dirigé par Marc Albert Cormier. Profil Acadmedia.edu: https://independent.academia.edu/MarcAlbertCormier

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