1597 – M. Charles Leigh
The voyage of M. Charles Leigh, and diuers others to Cape Briton and the Isle of Ramea. The Hopewell of London of the burthen of …
3100 documents : traités, cartographie, toponymie, archives, sources primaires, études, recherches, éphémérides
The voyage of M. Charles Leigh, and diuers others to Cape Briton and the Isle of Ramea. The Hopewell of London of the burthen of …
The voyage of the Grace of Bristoll of M. Rice Iones, a Barke of thirty-fiue Tunnes, vp into the Bay of Saint Laurence to the …
The voyage of the ship called the Marigold of M. Hill of Redrife vnto Cape Briton and beyond to the latitude of 44 degrees and …
A relation of the first voyage and discouerie of the Isle Ramea, made for Monsieur de La Court Pre Ravillon and Grand Pre, with the …
VOYAGE DU SIEUR DE CHAMPLAIN faict en l’an 1603. Le 2 de may, nous entrasmes sur le Banc à unze heures du jour par les …