18 décembre, 2024


  • From Yves Leroy on Vexillologie locale : le fanion de la Morue Française

    Je suis à la recherche d’informations sur la Société La Morue Française et sur la famille Légasse.
    Pouvez-vous m’indiquer quelques pistes de recherche ?
    Yves Leroy

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    2012/03/11 at 10:33 am
    • From maylis legasse on Vexillologie locale : le fanion de la Morue Française

      mon cousin jean bertrand legasse a beaucoup de d infos

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      2013/04/21 at 8:47 am
  • From ricarte on Noms d'origine basque

    Peut on dire que notre patronyme (ricarte) serait proche ou bien une variante de Errekarte (recart)?


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    2012/03/11 at 10:01 am
  • From LISE TOBIN on Généalogie


    J’essaie de retracer le mariage de Georges Tobin (Toben) et d’Annie Quirk, à St-Pierre-et-Miquelon, en 1888. Je ne trouve pas les actes de mariage sur le Colombier. Où puis-je trouver ces actes de mariage? Merci. Lise Tobin

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    2012/03/09 at 6:23 pm
  • From Janet DeYoung on English

    I am looking for information on my great-great grandfather, Henry Clinton, who was born about 1837 and died in St. Pierre in 1902. He was married to Mary Margaret Joseph Sheehan who was born on St. Pierre. We believe his parents were Dr. Henry Clinton and Caroline who came from England in 1837. He was a surgeon with Newman and Company. They also had two daughters Mary and Caroline. I cannot find birth records for either Henry in England or Newfoundland. Dr. Clinton died in 1855 and was a widow when he died.

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    2012/02/12 at 4:52 pm
  • From Martine Goris on English

    I am looking for information on my parents who were both born and raised in St. Pierre and Miquelon Joshepa d Petitpas born 1934 and Edward Goris, any information would be helpful. Thank you

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    2012/01/27 at 11:52 pm
  • From Karlos on Noms d'origine basque

    Le nom “lertxundi” signifie “forêt de trembles” en basque. “Lertxun” est “tremble” et le suffixe “-di” signifie “forêt”. (Pagadi: forêt de hêtres, pinudi: pinède, harizti: chênaie).

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    2012/01/26 at 4:53 pm
  • From Hacala on 1938 : Un meurtre à l’île-aux-Chiens (5)

    Bonjour Rolande
    je viens seulement de récupérer ton message ,à mon tour de te souhaiter une très Bonne Année et surtout la Santé !
    Je vais m’informer à la bibliothèque ,sur ce qu’il y a sur ton grand-père !
    Bises amicales ,à toi ta famille ,et aussi si tu vois chez , Rémi .

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    2012/01/13 at 9:43 am
  • From Rolande Tillard on 1938 : Un meurtre à l’île-aux-Chiens (5)

    Correction: je ne peux rien avancer…14e ligne

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    2011/12/27 at 1:36 am
  • From Rolande Tillard on 1938 : Un meurtre à l’île-aux-Chiens (5)

    Bonjour Arlette,

    Il me fait plaisir de te répondre même avec 2 mois de retard, étant revenue jeter un coup d’oeil sur ce site qu’aujourd’hui à la recherche d’une information.

    Je sais qu’il y l’Historique des noms des rues de St Pierre et Miquelon dont j’ai retrouvé une copie aux archives de l’Université Mc Gill à Montréal à ma grande surprise. Je suis en possession de lettres de style, remarquables, lesquelles ont été écrites alors qu’il était en en France car il situe lieux et dates dans les en-têtes.
    J’ai l’ intention de donner suite à un projet sur ce site auquel 2 personnes n’auraient jamais répondu. Cela doit être Mmes Marguerite Sasco (Delépine)et Jeanne Sasco (Briand) dont l’une est décédée depuis très longtemps et l’autre dans les années 90. Ceci pourrait être la raison d’une non-réponse. Cependant j’envisage de faire faire quelques corrections sur cet article (si je retourne en arrière sur le Web je risque de perdre cette page)où il est mentionné que mon grand-père n’avait que 3 filles! – Madeleine Sasco, ma mère,la 4ème née en 1907!n’y est pas. Bizarre. J’ai ouie dire qu’il y a d’autres documents intéressants mais je ne peux rien avancé d’autre pour l’instant à l’aveuglette.Je suis un peu comme « Thomas ».
    Que ces quelques lignes te trouvent toujours en bonne santé et me permettent de te dire, merci, pour l’intérêt que tu manifestes à celui qui est toujours mon idôle et ma ligne de conduite en ce monde.J’avais 4 ans à son décès et je le revois comme si c’était hier…1er souvenir de ma vie.
    Bonne et Heureuse année 2012,
    Bien amicalement
    Mon adresse e-mail : voir famille J.P.Poulain

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    2011/12/27 at 1:21 am
  • From Le Hors Georges on 1915 - Liste des contingents de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon

    Je ne connais pas la généalogie de Bernard mais il était un bon copain.
    Pour l’hiver 1950, le dernier que j’ai passé à St Pierre, nous avions construit un bobsleig avec un volant d’auto.
    Comme à l’époque aucune voiture ne circulait en hiver, après le repas du soir, nous descendions à toute allure la rue qui traversait toute la ville pour aboutir à la Route du Cap.
    Depuis cette date je n’ai eu aucun contact avec lui mais, ayant fait moi-même des recherches sur ma généalogie familiale, vous pouvez sûrement avoir des renseignements à la Mairie de St Pierre.
    Ensuite il vous faudra, comme nous l’avons fait, visiter les Archives des régions dont ils sont originaires en Métropole.
    C’est une quête de longue haleine mais qui comporte beaucoup de satisfactions.
    Bon courage.
    G. Le hors

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    2011/12/03 at 6:10 pm
  • From Marc Cormier on Le suprême d’oursins du docteur Le Bolloch

    Salut Dédé, ce qui explique les nombreuses photos du quartier de l’hôpital. Il y a aussi une photo de leur maison dans ce fonds.

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    2011/12/03 at 12:34 pm
  • From Dede on Le suprême d’oursins du docteur Le Bolloch

    Bravo pour cet article Marc – Ma mere me dit que mon pere Gustave Lafargue ne en 1925 aurait travaille tout jeune chez Mr LeBolloch. La fabrique se trouvait chez lui Place Dupuy-Fromy (?) Place de l’Hopital derriere le Pensionnat et devant l’Hospice.

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    2011/12/03 at 8:04 am
  • From Marc Cormier on Le suprême d’oursins du docteur Le Bolloch

    Le Suprême d’Oursins du docteur Le Bolloch

    L’OUEST-ÉCLAIR – 3 MAI 1936


    L’Exposition qu’organise depuis six ans, l’Office colonial du Poitou, à l’occasion de la Foire Exposition du Centre-Ouest, n’a pu trouver place, cette année, dans l’enceinte de la Foire.
    Elle sera établie rue Thiers, entre les Halles et l’Hôtel de Ville, dans le nouveau magasin portant le numéro 6, agencé spécialement pour cette circonstance.

    Patronnée par le Ministère des Colonies, elle comprendra, sous le titre de « Salon poitevin de la France d’outre-mer »:

    1° Une exposition spectaculaire d’objets de fabrication artisanale , indigène, en ivoire, en cuivre, en corne, en écaille, en bois et en cuir; des collections particulières, de tableaux, photographies, d’armes, de tapis, de meubles de toute beauté;

    2° Une exposition de produits originaires de la France extérieure, alimentaires et autres, des plus communs aux plus rares. C’est ainsi qu’on pourra y trouver non seulement: riz, cafés, thé, vanille, épices, huiles d’arachides du Sénégal, huiles d’olives de Tunisie, lièges et alfa, de l’Afrique du Nord, etc., mais encore qu’il sera possible d’obtenir, à titre d’échantillons: bananes, mangues énormes et savoureuses, oranges de Guinée. C’est là que sera révélé aux visiteurs « Le Suprême d’Oursins », préparé par le docteur Le Bolloch, à Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, selon une méthode spéciale qui lui conserve son arôme marin et ses vitamines, et font de ce produit un hors-d’oeuvre délicieux, unique au monde.
    On n’aurait pas vu complètement la Foire-Exposition si l’on ne faisait pas une visite au Salon poitevin de la France d’outre-mer.

    Source : Archives du quotidien L’OUEST-ECLAIR. Editions de Bretagne et des Pays-de-la-Loire

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    2011/12/03 at 4:57 am
  • From Dede on English

    Ancestors of Ferdinand Auguste MAHÉ

    Generation No. 1

    1. Ferdinand Auguste MAHÉ, born 25 October 1876 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France. He was the son of 2. François Marie MAHÉ and 3. Louise Augustine YVON. He married (1) Geneviève Emilie COSTE. She was born 3 June 1878 in Miquelon, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, France. She was the daughter of Théodore COSTE and Emilie Céleste DISNARD.

    Generation No. 2

    2. François Marie MAHÉ, born 28 July 1843 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France. He was the son of 4. Constant Marie MAHÉ and 5. Marie Louise DUPIN. He married 3. Louise Augustine YVON.
    3. Louise Augustine YVON, born 8 August 1843 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 23 December 1916 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France. She was the daughter of 6. Louis YVON and 7. Céleste Honorine LEBALNOIS.

    Children of François MAHÉ and Louise YVON are:
    i. François Louis MAHÉ, born 27 August 1866 in Miquelon, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, France; married Aimée Louise COSTE; born 18 September 1867 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    ii. Elisabeth Marie MAHÉ, born 8 July 1868 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 8 September 1924 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Eugène Joseph MICHEL; born 6 April 1866 in Miquelon, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, France.
    iii. Alfred Baptiste Pierre MAHÉ, born 5 February 1870 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 15 November 1872 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    iv. Pierre Célestin Philippe MAHÉ, born 5 June 1872 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Marie Joseph WALSH.
    v. Joseph Isidore MAHÉ, born 29 October 1874 in Ile-aux-Chiens, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France; died 15 January 1950 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Catherine Marie COSTE; born 20 November 1876 in Miquelon, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, France.
    1 vi. Ferdinand Auguste MAHÉ, born 25 October 1876 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Geneviève Emilie COSTE.
    vii. Eugène Joseph MAHÉ, born 10 June 1888 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 11 June 1957 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.

    Generation No. 3

    4. Constant Marie MAHÉ, born 15 May 1813 in Saint-Servan, Ille-et-Vilaine, France; died 23 April 1882 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France. He was the son of 8. Jean Jacques MAHÉ and 9. Marie France ROLAND. He married 5. Marie Louise DUPIN.
    5. Marie Louise DUPIN, born 7 September 1820 in Saint-Planchers, Manche, France; died 12 August 1867 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France. She was the daughter of 10. Jacques DUPIN and 11. Marie Louise LEROY.

    Children of Constant MAHÉ and Marie DUPIN are:
    i. Constance Virginie MAHÉ, born 30 July 1842 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    2 ii. François Marie MAHÉ, born 28 July 1843 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Louise Augustine YVON.
    iii. Anatole Louis MAHÉ, born 12 August 1845 in Bacilly, Manche, France; married Elisabeth WALSH; born Abt. 1849 in Baie de Plaisance, Tn, Terre-Neuve, Canada.
    iv. Constance Marie MAHÉ, born 10 November 1847 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 2 October 1850 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    v. Adolphe Edouard MAHÉ, born 20 November 1848 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Céleste GAUTROT; born 15 October 1846 in Sydney, Cap-Breton, Canada.
    vi. Eulalie Mélanie MAHÉ, born 9 December 1851 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married (1) François Marie POTEL; born 13 April 1845 in Saint-Michel-des-Loups, Manche, France; died 15 June 1873 in En Mer; married (2) Ferdinand MARIN; born 3 June 1844 in Ciboure, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France; died 12 November 1887 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    vii. Constant Joseph MAHÉ, born 7 February 1854 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Caroline Joséphine LISSAGE; born 17 August 1859 in Miquelon, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, France.
    viii. Julien Jean Marie MAHÉ, born 15 June 1856 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died September 1881 in En Mer; married Bridget COLFORD; born 15 June 1852 in Burin, Terre-Neuve, Canada; died 30 November 1918 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    ix. Marie Louise MAHÉ, born 7 February 1860 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 15 December 1880 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.

    6. Louis YVON, born 12 September 1816 in Bacilly, Manche, France; died 30 April 1892 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France. He was the son of 12. Louis YVON and 13. Véronique Françoise POTEL. He married 7. Céleste Honorine LEBALNOIS.
    7. Céleste Honorine LEBALNOIS, born 7 February 1823 in Saint-Léger, Manche, France; died 8 May 1879 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France. She was the daughter of 14. Claude LEBALNOIS and 15. Claire BRIENS.

    Children of Louis YVON and Céleste LEBALNOIS are:
    i. Adèle Reine YVON, born 21 August 1841 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 15 August 1842 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    3 ii. Louise Augustine YVON, born 8 August 1843 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 23 December 1916 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married François Marie MAHÉ.
    iii. Virginie Joséphine YVON, born 9 October 1845 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 26 July 1853 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    iv. Marie Françoise YVON, born 21 September 1848 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    v. Claire Louise YVON, born 22 November 1850 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 3 February 1921 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married (1) Jean Paul RIO; born 22 September 1850 in Miquelon, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, France; died 23 July 1885 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married (2) INCONNU; married (3) INCONNU.
    vi. Sidonie Sophie YVON, born 31 October 1852 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 23 June 1854 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.

    Generation No. 4

    8. Jean Jacques MAHÉ, born 15 June 1785 in Baguer Morvan, 35, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France. He was the son of 16. Jean MAHÉ and 17. Gillette FOLIGNÉ. He married 9. Marie France ROLAND.
    9. Marie France ROLAND, born 1783 in Trédias, Cote d’Armor, Bretagne, France.

    Child of Jean MAHÉ and Marie ROLAND is:
    4 i. Constant Marie MAHÉ, born 15 May 1813 in Saint-Servan, Ille-et-Vilaine, France; died 23 April 1882 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Marie Louise DUPIN.

    10. Jacques DUPIN He married 11. Marie Louise LEROY.
    11. Marie Louise LEROY

    Child of Jacques DUPIN and Marie LEROY is:
    5 i. Marie Louise DUPIN, born 7 September 1820 in Saint-Planchers, Manche, France; died 12 August 1867 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Constant Marie MAHÉ.

    12. Louis YVON, born 4 June 1782 in Bacilly, Manche, France; died 17 May 1852 in Ile-aux-Chiens, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France. He was the son of 24. Pierre YVON and 25. Marie COUPARD. He married 13. Véronique Françoise POTEL.
    13. Véronique Françoise POTEL, born 1786 in Bacilly, Manche, France; died 21 August 1864 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France. She was the daughter of 26. Jacques POTEL and 27. Françoise DUCHEMIN.

    Children of Louis YVON and Véronique POTEL are:
    i. François Ambroise YVON, born 9 November 1811 in Bacilly, Manche, France; died 22 August 1893 in Langlade, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, France; married Félicité CHAUVIN; died Bef. 1893.
    ii. Reine Françoise YVON, born 7 February 1814 in Bacilly, Manche, France; died 22 October 1864 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married (1) Victor Léonor JOSSEAUME; born 11 August 1803 in Tirepied, Manche, France; died 31 January 1858 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married (2) Jacques FRÉMONT; born 3 December 1832 in Saint-Jean-des-Champs, Manche, France; died 22 October 1874 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    6 iii. Louis YVON, born 12 September 1816 in Bacilly, Manche, France; died 30 April 1892 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Céleste Honorine LEBALNOIS.
    iv. Adèle YVON, born 19 June 1823 in Bacilly, Manche, France; died 27 May 1848 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Louis François Jean AMELINE; born 4 December 1813.

    14. Claude LEBALNOIS He was the son of 28. Jean LEBALNOIS and 29. Anne SERVAIN. He married 15. Claire BRIENS.
    15. Claire BRIENS She was the daughter of 30. Pierre BRIAND and 31. Jacqueline LAVEILLE.

    Children of Claude LEBALNOIS and Claire BRIENS are:
    7 i. Céleste Honorine LEBALNOIS, born 7 February 1823 in Saint-Léger, Manche, France; died 8 May 1879 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Louis YVON.
    ii. Mélanie LEBALNOIS, born 27 November 1825 in Saint-Léger, Manche, France; died 3 October 1845 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.

    Generation No. 5

    16. Jean MAHÉ He was the son of 32. Jean MAHÉ and 33. Marie FERRÉ. He married 17. Gillette FOLIGNÉ.
    17. Gillette FOLIGNÉ She was the daughter of 34. François FOLIGNÉ and 35. Marie FAGUET.

    Child of Jean MAHÉ and Gillette FOLIGNÉ is:
    8 i. Jean Jacques MAHÉ, born 15 June 1785 in Baguer Morvan, 35, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France; married Marie France ROLAND.

    24. Pierre YVON He married 25. Marie COUPARD.
    25. Marie COUPARD

    Child of Pierre YVON and Marie COUPARD is:
    12 i. Louis YVON, born 4 June 1782 in Bacilly, Manche, France; died 17 May 1852 in Ile-aux-Chiens, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France; married Véronique Françoise POTEL.

    26. Jacques POTEL He was the son of 52. Jacques POTEL and 53. Andrée LECHARPENTIER. He married 27. Françoise DUCHEMIN.
    27. Françoise DUCHEMIN She was the daughter of 54. Pierre DUCHEMIN and 55. Jeanne PLANTE.

    Children of Jacques POTEL and Françoise DUCHEMIN are:
    i. Fille POTEL
    ii. Jacques POTEL
    iii. Jeanne POTEL
    iv. Jeanne-Françoise POTEL
    v. Pierre POTEL
    vi. Toussaint POTEL
    vii. Véronique POTEL
    13 viii. Véronique Françoise POTEL, born 1786 in Bacilly, Manche, France; died 21 August 1864 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Louis YVON.

    28. Jean LEBALNOIS He married 29. Anne SERVAIN.
    29. Anne SERVAIN

    Child of Jean LEBALNOIS and Anne SERVAIN is:
    14 i. Claude LEBALNOIS, married Claire BRIENS.

    30. Pierre BRIAND He married 31. Jacqueline LAVEILLE.
    31. Jacqueline LAVEILLE

    Child of Pierre BRIAND and Jacqueline LAVEILLE is:
    15 i. Claire BRIENS, married Claude LEBALNOIS.

    Generation No. 6

    32. Jean MAHÉ He was the son of 64. Jean MAHÉ and 65. Gabrielle ROGER. He married 33. Marie FERRÉ.
    33. Marie FERRÉ She was the daughter of 66. René FERRÉ and 67. Suzanne DELAUNAY.

    Child of Jean MAHÉ and Marie FERRÉ is:
    16 i. Jean MAHÉ, married Gillette FOLIGNÉ.

    34. François FOLIGNÉ He was the son of 68. Etienne FOLIGNÉ and 69. Roberte PLEMUS. He married 35. Marie FAGUET.
    35. Marie FAGUET She was the daughter of 70. Gilles FAGUET and 71. Gillette GINGANT.

    Child of François FOLIGNÉ and Marie FAGUET is:
    17 i. Gillette FOLIGNÉ, married Jean MAHÉ.

    52. Jacques POTEL He married 53. Andrée LECHARPENTIER.
    53. Andrée LECHARPENTIER She was the daughter of 106. Antoine LECHARPENTIER and 107. Marie LECOQ.

    Children of Jacques POTEL and Andrée LECHARPENTIER are:
    i. Jacqueline POTEL, married Louis MOREL.
    ii. Anne POTEL
    26 iii. Jacques POTEL, married Françoise DUCHEMIN.
    iv. Louise POTEL
    v. Marie POTEL
    vi. Toussaint-Jacques POTEL, married Jeanne AUTIN.

    54. Pierre DUCHEMIN He married 55. Jeanne PLANTE.
    55. Jeanne PLANTE

    Child of Pierre DUCHEMIN and Jeanne PLANTE is:
    27 i. Françoise DUCHEMIN, married Jacques POTEL.

    Generation No. 7

    64. Jean MAHÉ He was the son of 128. Mathurin MAHÉ and 129. Mathurine DIORÉ. He married 65. Gabrielle ROGER.
    65. Gabrielle ROGER She was the daughter of 131. Gilette DUPORT.

    Child of Jean MAHÉ and Gabrielle ROGER is:
    32 i. Jean MAHÉ, married Marie FERRÉ.

    66. René FERRÉ He married 67. Suzanne DELAUNAY.
    67. Suzanne DELAUNAY She was the daughter of 134. Maurice DELAUNAY and 135. Bertranne PATRY.

    Child of René FERRÉ and Suzanne DELAUNAY is:
    33 i. Marie FERRÉ, married Jean MAHÉ.

    68. Etienne FOLIGNÉ He married 69. Roberte PLEMUS.
    69. Roberte PLEMUS

    Child of Etienne FOLIGNÉ and Roberte PLEMUS is:
    34 i. François FOLIGNÉ, married Marie FAGUET.

    70. Gilles FAGUET He married 71. Gillette GINGANT.
    71. Gillette GINGANT

    Child of Gilles FAGUET and Gillette GINGANT is:
    35 i. Marie FAGUET, married François FOLIGNÉ.

    106. Antoine LECHARPENTIER He married 107. Marie LECOQ.
    107. Marie LECOQ

    Children of Antoine LECHARPENTIER and Marie LECOQ are:
    i. Jacqueline LECHARPENTIER, married Jean GAUTIER.
    53 ii. Andrée LECHARPENTIER, married Jacques POTEL.
    iii. Jacques LECHARPENTIER, married Jacqueline CHAUVIN.
    iv. Madeleine LECHARPENTIER

    Generation No. 8

    128. Mathurin MAHÉ He was the son of 256. Louis MAHÉ and 257. Andrée BENOÎT. He married 129. Mathurine DIORÉ.
    129. Mathurine DIORÉ She was the daughter of 258. Pierre DIORÉ.

    Child of Mathurin MAHÉ and Mathurine DIORÉ is:
    64 i. Jean MAHÉ, married Gabrielle ROGER.

    131. Gilette DUPORT

    Child of Gilette DUPORT is:
    65 i. Gabrielle ROGER, married Jean MAHÉ.

    134. Maurice DELAUNAY He was the son of 268. François DELAUNAY and 269. Moricette LE BRET. He married 135. Bertranne PATRY.
    135. Bertranne PATRY She was the daughter of 270. Charles PATRY and 271. Françoise DIEULEFLS.

    Child of Maurice DELAUNAY and Bertranne PATRY is:
    67 i. Suzanne DELAUNAY, married René FERRÉ.

    Generation No. 9

    256. Louis MAHÉ He married 257. Andrée BENOÎT.
    257. Andrée BENOÎT

    Child of Louis MAHÉ and Andrée BENOÎT is:
    128 i. Mathurin MAHÉ, married (1) Mathurine DIORÉ; married (2) Christophette FASQUE.

    258. Pierre DIORÉ

    Child of Pierre DIORÉ is:
    129 i. Mathurine DIORÉ, married Mathurin MAHÉ.

    268. François DELAUNAY He married 269. Moricette LE BRET.
    269. Moricette LE BRET

    Child of François DELAUNAY and Moricette LE BRET is:
    134 i. Maurice DELAUNAY, married Bertranne PATRY.

    270. Charles PATRY He married 271. Françoise DIEULEFLS.
    271. Françoise DIEULEFLS

    Child of Charles PATRY and Françoise DIEULEFLS is:
    135 i. Bertranne PATRY, married Maurice DELAUNAY.

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    2011/11/30 at 1:14 am
  • From Dede on English

    Ancestors of Laïla Harriett SMITH

    Generation No. 1

    1. Laïla Harriett SMITH, born 27 February 1887 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France. She was the daughter of 2. Thomas Alfred SMITH and 3. Marie Bridgitte KENNY.

    Generation No. 2

    2. Thomas Alfred SMITH, born Abt. 1856. He married 3. Marie Bridgitte KENNY.
    3. Marie Bridgitte KENNY, born Abt. 1860. She was the daughter of 6. KENNY.

    Children of Thomas SMITH and Marie KENNY are:
    i. Alice Marie SMITH, born 6 September 1885 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    1 ii. Laïla Harriett SMITH, born 27 February 1887 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    iii. Frédéric Charles SMITH, born 18 October 1888 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    iv. Georges Carson SMITH, born 15 October 1890 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.

    Generation No. 3

    6. KENNY

    Children of KENNY are:
    3 i. Marie Bridgitte KENNY, born Abt. 1860; married Thomas Alfred SMITH.
    ii. James KENNY, born Abt. 1862.

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    2011/11/30 at 1:08 am
  • From Dede on English

    Ancestors of Ernest Manuel DITHURBIDE

    Generation No. 1

    1. Ernest Manuel DITHURBIDE, born 4 August 1890 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France. He was the son of 2. Michel Noël DITHURBIDE and 3. Marianne HODGE. He married (1) Geneviève Emilie COSTE. She was born 3 June 1878 in Miquelon, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, France. She was the daughter of Théodore COSTE and Emilie Céleste DISNARD.

    Generation No. 2

    2. Michel Noël DITHURBIDE, born 4 December 1863 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France. He was the son of 4. Michel DITHURBIDE and 5. Pauline Marie GUÉRIN. He married 3. Marianne HODGE.
    3. Marianne HODGE, born Abt. 1863. She was the daughter of 6. HODGE.

    Children of Michel DITHURBIDE and Marianne HODGE are:
    i. Marie Joseph Julia DITHURBIDE, born 27 February 1885 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    ii. Pauline Marianne DITHURBIDE, born 23 December 1886 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    iii. Ernest Michel DITHURBIDE, born 14 October 1888 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    1 iv. Ernest Manuel DITHURBIDE, born 4 August 1890 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Geneviève Emilie COSTE.
    v. Hélène Henriette Marie DITHURBIDE, born 25 August 1892 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.

    Generation No. 3

    4. Michel DITHURBIDE, born 2 May 1836 in Iles-de-la-Madeleine, Iles de la Madeleine, Canada; died 20 April 1883 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France. He was the son of 8. Bernard DITHURBIDE and 9. Julie NOËL. He married 5. Pauline Marie GUÉRIN.
    5. Pauline Marie GUÉRIN, born 29 June 1833 in Mont-Saint-Michel, Manche, France. She was the daughter of 10. Jean GUÉRIN and 11. Marie MANET.

    Children of Michel DITHURBIDE and Pauline GUÉRIN are:
    i. Eugène Victor DITHURBIDE, born 2 January 1861 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    2 ii. Michel Noël DITHURBIDE, born 4 December 1863 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Marianne HODGE.

    6. HODGE

    Children of HODGE are:
    3 i. Marianne HODGE, born Abt. 1863; married Michel Noël DITHURBIDE.
    ii. Brigitte HODGE, born Abt. 1865; married Jean URVURTAVARU; died 7 July 1892 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.

    Generation No. 4

    8. Bernard DITHURBIDE, born 26 April 1803 in Sare, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France; died 9 April 1868 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France. He married 9. Julie NOËL.
    9. Julie NOËL, born Abt. 1811; died 23 November 1888 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.

    Children of Bernard DITHURBIDE and Julie NOËL are:
    i. Marguerite DITHURBIDE, born 21 July 1834 in Iles-de-la-Madeleine, Iles de la Madeleine, Canada; married (2) Edouard Jean ALEXANDRE; born 25 May 1829 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 25 September 1862 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married (3) Pierre PADOUANT; born 4 December 1836 in Arbonne, 64, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Pays Basque, France; married (4) Louis PARENT; born Abt. 1838; married (5) INCONNU.
    4 ii. Michel DITHURBIDE, born 2 May 1836 in Iles-de-la-Madeleine, Iles de la Madeleine, Canada; died 20 April 1883 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Pauline Marie GUÉRIN.
    iii. Bernard DITHURBIDE, born 30 October 1838 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    iv. Adolphe DITHURBIDE, born 16 May 1841 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    v. Présenté Sans Vie DITHURBIDE, born 29 January 1844 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 29 January 1844 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    vi. Martin DITHURBIDE, born 21 October 1845 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    vii. Marie DITHURBIDE, born 28 June 1848 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died Bef. 25 October 1883 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married (1) Olivier Marie LEGUICHER; born 20 November 1837 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 29 April 1875 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married (2) INCONNU; married (3) INCONNU.
    viii. Angelina Marie DITHURBIDE, born 5 April 1852 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 14 April 1852 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    ix. Présentée Sans Vie DITHURBIDE, born 22 August 1853 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 22 August 1853 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.

    10. Jean GUÉRIN He married 11. Marie MANET.
    11. Marie MANET, died 28 August 1834 in Mont-Saint-Michel, Manche, France.

    Child of Jean GUÉRIN and Marie MANET is:
    5 i. Pauline Marie GUÉRIN, born 29 June 1833 in Mont-Saint-Michel, Manche, France; married (1) INCONNU; married (2) Michel DITHURBIDE.

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    2011/11/30 at 1:04 am
  • From Dede on English

    Ancestors of Charles William SWEENEY

    Generation No. 1

    1. Charles William SWEENEY, born 7 January 1897 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France. He was the son of 2. Edouard Charles SWEENEY and 3. Marguerite Marie Caroline CLINTON.

    Generation No. 2

    2. Edouard Charles SWEENEY, born 13 April 1857 in Everton, Lancastle, Grande-Bretagne. He was the son of 4. Thomas James SWEENEY and 5. Mary WESTON. He married 3. Marguerite Marie Caroline CLINTON.
    3. Marguerite Marie Caroline CLINTON, born 26 October 1861 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France. She was the daughter of 6. Henry CLINTON and 7. Mary Margaret Joseph SHEEHAN.

    Children of Edouard SWEENEY and Marguerite CLINTON are:
    i. Mary Emma Joséphine SWEENEY, born 3 April 1884 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    ii. Henry SWEENEY, born 15 June 1885 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    iii. Edward Charles SWEENEY, born 11 April 1887 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    iv. Georges Richard SWEENEY, born 27 September 1889 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    v. Caroline SWEENEY, born 18 January 1895 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    1 vi. Charles William SWEENEY, born 7 January 1897 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.

    Generation No. 3

    4. Thomas James SWEENEY He married 5. Mary WESTON.
    5. Mary WESTON, died 19 December 1865 in Everton, Lancastle, Grande-Bretagne.

    Child of Thomas SWEENEY and Mary WESTON is:
    2 i. Edouard Charles SWEENEY, born 13 April 1857 in Everton, Lancastle, Grande-Bretagne; married Marguerite Marie Caroline CLINTON.

    6. Henry CLINTON, born Abt. 1837. He married 7. Mary Margaret Joseph SHEEHAN.
    7. Mary Margaret Joseph SHEEHAN, born Abt. 1835. She was the daughter of 14. Richard Louis SHEEHAN and 15. Marguerite GORMAN.

    Children of Henry CLINTON and Mary SHEEHAN are:
    3 i. Marguerite Marie Caroline CLINTON, born 26 October 1861 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Edouard Charles SWEENEY.
    ii. Mary Sheehan CLINTON, born 6 December 1863 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 12 August 1864 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    iii. Richard Lewis CLINTON, born 26 August 1865 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    iv. Margaret Henrietta Mary CLINTON, born 28 June 1867 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    v. Agnès Mary CLINTON, born 6 October 1868 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; died 10 February 1948 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Paul Joseph Marie HUMBERT; born 28 July 1861 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    vi. Marie Thérésa CLINTON, born 19 July 1871 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    vii. Henriette CLINTON, born 9 August 1873 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.

    Generation No. 4

    14. Richard Louis SHEEHAN, died 20 October 1835 in Havre-Breton, Terre-Neuve, Canada. He married 15. Marguerite GORMAN.
    15. Marguerite GORMAN, born Abt. 1806 in Boxay, Terre-Neuve, Canada; died 14 May 1879 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France. She was the daughter of 30. John GORMAN and 31. Suzanna KINSELLA.

    Children of Richard SHEEHAN and Marguerite GORMAN are:
    i. Richard O’Gorman SHEEHAN, born 26 April 1833 in Havre-Breton, Terre-Neuve, Canada; died 29 June 1891 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Elisabeth Marie THORN; born 12 July 1844 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.
    7 ii. Mary Margaret Joseph SHEEHAN, born Abt. 1835; married Henry CLINTON.

    Generation No. 5

    30. John GORMAN He married 31. Suzanna KINSELLA.
    31. Suzanna KINSELLA

    Children of John GORMAN and Suzanna KINSELLA are:
    15 i. Marguerite GORMAN, born Abt. 1806 in Boxay, Terre-Neuve, Canada; died 14 May 1879 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Richard Louis SHEEHAN.
    ii. Joseph John GORMAN, born 1817 in Boxay, Terre-Neuve, Canada; died 26 May 1885 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France; married Sarah KENNY.
    iii. William GORMAN, born 6 June 1820 in Boxay, Terre-Neuve, Canada; died 5 July 1887 in St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon, Dom-Tom, France.

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    2011/11/30 at 1:01 am
  • From Frank Goris on Liste des femmes engagées dans le corps féminin des Forces Navales Françaises Libres

    Je vous ai demande il y a quelques annees de ca de bien vouloir ajouter le nom de ma mere Augusta Goris a la liste des femmes ayant servi durant la 2e guerre.Ceci avait ete fait, mais je vois bque son nom a etye encore omis. S’il vous plait ajouter le nom de ma mere a cette liste MERCI.

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    2011/11/27 at 4:40 pm
  • From jean-claude simard on 1915 - Liste des contingents de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon

    j essaie de faire la généalogie d une jeune femme dont le grand pere, bernard lasalle , né a st pierre en 1933, a contracté mariage au canada en 1959. j ai vu qu il y avait des lasalle a st pierre depuis au moins 1772. y a t il un cercle de genealogie a st pierre?
    les archives sont elles accessibles facilement?

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    2011/11/17 at 11:09 am
  • From ARCANDERA on Noms d'origine basque

    est ce le nom Arcandera est d origine basque ? Merci de bien vouloir me repondre

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    2011/11/14 at 12:05 pm

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